Explore credit repair companies sorted by State, City, Service Type, Billing Model, or Rating

Looking for credit repair companies? We compiled a list from accross the company and wrote relevant and helpful information about them and the practices in the market.


Credit repair companies we have reviewed in the United States.

3.7 out of 5

Average rating of the credit repair companies we reviewed in the United States.


Percentage of companies with serious complaints (such as BBB, Yelp, TrustPilot, etc.)


The vast majority of companies charge on a monthly basis.


Percent of companies that follow all relevant credit repair laws and rules, such as the TSR, CROA, FTC Act, State law, etc.


This represents the average credit score according to major score modelers.

Introduction to credit repair companies.

List of credit repair companies.

Below begins our curated list of reputable credit repair companies across the United States. Use the sorting feature located at the top left of the page to filter companies by state, city, service type, billing model, or rating.

Credit repair company information.

Ready to hire a credit repair company?

Easily hire credit repair companies through your Credzu account, ensuring your funds are safeguarded in escrow. Plus, you'll only pay if your credit score shows improvement.

Credit Repair Companies FAQ:

Explore our comprehensive FAQ section to find answers to common questions about credit repair companies. Whether you're new to credit repair or seeking clarification on specific aspects of the process, our FAQ provides valuable insights to help you navigate the world of credit repair services with confidence.

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