
Below is a list of agreements, terms, notices, etc., concerning our site and/or your use of it. The uniqueness of our site and business model (financial technology in a highly regulated credit service industry) requires thoroughness. Nevertheless, we’ve tried to make them easy to access, read, and understand. If you have any questions, please get in touch with info@credzu.com

Terms of Use

This agreement explains the permitted and prohibited ways in which you may use our Site, including permitted and prohibited behavior.

Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy explains how we treat the information you share with us, including third-party apps that may indirectly collect the information from you.

User Agreement

This agreement concerns your rights and obligations when using our website and it includes essential information from registering and using the site to mandatory arbitration, conflict resolution, etc. Please read it thoroughly.

Fee and ACH Authorization Agreement 

This agreement explains how funds flow, who pays what, and covers your authorization to be charged by Credzu.

Escrow Instructions

This agreement outlines how we handle escrowed funds between Consumers and Service providers and dispute resolution programs, including arbitration.

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