What are reasonable expectations in credit services?
Expectations dictate whether someone is satisfied or disappointed with a particular outcome. This idea is magnified when dealing with companies offering services represented to improve the credit standing of financially distressed consumers. Financial hardship creates vulnerability to dishonest schemes. Through our escrow platform, we ensure buyers and sellers of credit services are aware of their responsibility to have and provide reasonable expectations.
Buyers and sellers of credit services should consider these examples.
A company creates a net impression with their collective advertising from their website, to social media, to communication.
Unique Problems and Goals
Whether a company's net impression fails truth-in-advertising laws or not, everyone's credit problems and goals are unique. No one should rely on generalized representations.
Companies display past successes with testimonials of consumers satisfied with their products or service.
Whether testimonials on a company's website are genuine or not, someone else's success may not translate to your situation.
Some sales are conducted over unrecorded calls between potential buyers and sellers of credit services.
You are unique.
Whether a telemarketer is engaged in fraud or not, phone calls open the door to exaggeration, puffery, and misunderstandings.
Selective Perception
Marketers will attempt to target the thoughts, feelings, and attitudes of a desired audience.
It is a natural human tendency to overlook unpleasant things and be drawn to good-sounding things. Don't trick yourself—truthful details matter in credit services. Focus.
Future Goals
Companies may represent that improving your credit will directly impact your ability to achieve particular goals, such as funding.
Your situation is unique.
Whether testimonials on a company's website are true or not, someone else's success may not translate to your situation.
Time Frame
Most sales are conducted over the phone by unrecorded and undocumented calls between potential buyers and sellers of credit services.
You are unique.
Whether a telemarketer is engaged in fraud or not, phone calls open the door to exaggeration, puffery, and misunderstandings.
Credit Scores
Marketers will attempt to tailor their advertisements to target the thoughts, feelings, and attitudes of a desired audience.
It is a natural human tendency to overlook unpleasant things and be drawn to good-sounding things. Don't trick yourself—truthful details matter in credit services. Focus.
Magic Tricks
Companies display past successes with testimnials of consumers saticified with their product or service.
Your situation is unique.
Whether testimonials on a company's website are true or not, someone else's success may not translate to your situation.
We guide you through the process.
Our escrow agents are specialists in the field and we monitor communication between companies and consumers from start to finish. Our loyalty is always to the terms of the agreement.